August 12, 2021

It gives us great pleasure to announce that BestStartup.EU has ranked NplusT in the top 10 semiconductor companies in Italy (see 10 Top Semiconductor Startups and Companies in Italy).
Our customers’ needs drive our continued investment in R&D and updates to our product portfolio. This way we can offer the best time-to-market at reasonable cost and effort. We see this appreciation as a further validation of our roadmap.

April 20, 2021

In response to the ever increasing number of cyber-attacks and in order to ensure the same level of safety in all working locations (main office, lab and home offices), in March 2021 NplusT has completed a series of improvements aimed at further raising the company’s IT safety standards.
The improvements include Cloud Managed Security & Total Security, featuring the latest technologies, as well as Company’s internal guidelines, updated in the management of virtual and physical development machines.

Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions regarding NplusT’s IT safety policy.

Progetto realizzato con il contributo europeo Regione Umbria POR FESR 2014-2020 Asse III Azione 3.7.1. – Avviso Bridge to Digital 2020.
Project implemented with funds from the European Union and Umbria region under the POR FESR 2014-2020 Axis III Action 3.7.1. – Bridge to Digital 2020 Public Notice.


August 10, 2020

NplusT has been granted funding from the European Commission in the framework of INNOWWIDE call-2 for the “Innovative Test Equipment for Mass Storage Devices” project, in short “ITEMS“, ranking 26th among 70 grantees and over 600 candidates.
INNOWWIDE, a Viability assessment of collaborative and INNOvative business solutions in WorldWIDE markets, is a Horizon 2020 project that will fund European innovative SMEs and start-ups to conduct Viability Assessment Projects (VAPs) in markets outside of Europe.

The aim of the project is the technical and market validation of a product concept. This product – ITEMS – is a high performance test equipment based on an innovative architecture which allows to provide world class performance at affordable costs. The core technology has been already developed and applied in other products of NplusT and the related patent is pending.
ITEMS will help electronics manufacturers to build products matching the requirements of rocketing storage needs, increasing calculus and processing power in applications like machine learning, artificial intelligence, autonomous drive. The primary target market is China but the product offering will be extended to Taiwan, Korea and other developing countries in the South-East Asia region.

March 20, 2020

NplusT has implemented all the measures provided for in the Italian legislation in force and all the measures promoted internally regarding the COVID-19 emergency.
All the company’s activities are guaranteed consistently with our business continuity plan and in full compliance with the measures adopted in order to ensure the prevention and the safety of the personnel.

For all your needs, you can rely on our Customer Care which can be reached via e-mail at

#stayhome #andratuttobene

October 2, 2019

“The global network of NplusT has been recently expanded by signing a cooperation agreement with APMD Solutions. Our goal is to boost sales and customer support in the US market. The fast growing need for storage devices, driven by industrial, automotive and AI applications, offer an exceptional opportunity for our NAND characterization and testing technology” declares NplusT’s President and CEO Tamas Kerekes.

“APMD Solutions’ huge domain-specific experience is the right basis to increase our presence in America. We look forward to cooperating with APMD to bring additional support for our US Customers”.

May 2, 2018

The European General Data Protection Regulations (“GDPR”) will come into force on May 25th, 2018. This new regulation governs the privacy protection of individuals and replaces the 1995 Data Protection Directive. Dear valued Partners, this month we’re updating our Privacy Policy to make it easier for you to understand what information we collect and why we collect it. We’ve also taken steps to improve our Privacy Check-up and other controls we provide to safeguard your data and protect your privacy. Nothing is changing about your current settings or how your information is processed. Rather, we’re improving the way we describe our practices and how we explain the options you have to update, manage, export, and delete your data.

March 10, 2018

Interventi di cui al POR FESR 2014-2020 Asse I – Azione 1.1.1. “Sostegno ai progetti di ricerca industriale e sviluppo sperimentale” – Titolo Progetto «NPTE (New Parallel Test Equipment: nuova piattaforma di testing applicata dalle industrie di semiconduttori nella fase di sviluppo di nuove tecnologie e di nuovi dispositivi a semiconduttore»

Il progetto di ricerca e sviluppo sperimentale consiste nella realizzazione di un prototipo funzionante di piattaforma di testing concepita per l’industria semiconduttori. NPTE trova applicazione nella fase di sviluppo di nuove tecnologie e nuovi dispositivi a semiconduttore, in particolare per le memorie integrate in ‘System-on-Chip’.

Legal Office

Loc. Castelfranco 132
05026 Montecastrilli
Terni, Italy

+39 075 5714845


Via Donatella 12
06132 San Martino in Campo
Perugia, Italy

Capitale Sociale (Paid-up Capital) € 121.000,00 I.V.
Cod. Fisc. / Partita IVA (Vat Number) 00702760554
Sede CCIAA / n. REA : TR / 69772, PG / 272888
Iscriz. Reg. Imprese TR n. 00702760554
