March 5, 2025

Since 2011, NplusT has presented the MOCCA (MOst Creative Customer Award) annually to recognize and celebrate the user team that demonstrates exceptional creativity in applying NplusT products to innovative and impactful projects. This award highlights the spirit of collaboration and innovation that drives technological progress.

MOCCA 2024 has been assigned to the IHP team, lead by Christian Wenger, Department Head, and including Andrea Baroni and Eduardo Perez, Scientists of the Material Research team, as first users of the TESTMESH TMC-100 configuration.

Tamas Kerekes, President and CEO of NplusT, shared his thoughts:

“Engaging with the IHP team to understand their unique requirements, we identified the significant market potential for a new TESTMESH configuration tailored to the specific characterization needs of neuromorphic computational arrays, built on cutting-edge non-volatile memory technologies. Together, our engineering teams conceptualized a solution that not only meets these demands but also positions us to deliver a groundbreaking characterization tool for this rapidly evolving market. I deeply value the shared commitment to innovation and the collaborative effort to design architectures that align seamlessly with the ever-changing landscape of technological advancements.”

Christian Wenger, Department Head, Material Research in IHP:

“The TESTMESH TMC-100 equipment from NplusT provides us the opportunity to investigate HfO2 based RRAM arrays in the 1T-1R configuration for Vector-Matrix-Multiplication application. The tailored set-up enables the programming the RRAM devices using complex algorithms as well as the interference process by addressing lines of the array. We are looking forward to present the first electrical results soon and to strengthen the collaboration between NplusT and IHP.”


IHP’s Andrea Baroni with TMC-100
IHP’s Andrea Baroni And NplusT’s Alessandro Feriani with TMC-100

In the past, MOCCA was assigned to:

2011 Macronix
2012 STMicroelectronics
2013 IHP
2014 Infineon
2015 Tower
2016 STMicroelectronics
2017 Microsemi
2018 GAMAX
2019 Infineon
2020 LETI
2022 STMicroelectronics

August 14, 2024

Aldo Cometti, Strategic Advisor of Nplust, presented a paper at the recent Future of Memory and Storage held in Santa Clara, California, one of the main events for the Storage industry and research. The paper, titled “Reliability Testing of Emerging Non-Volatile Memories – How to Shorten Time-To-Result” is available at this link.

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