August 1, 2018

The 2018 Flash Memory Summit is approaching quickly: NplusT will be there demonstrating the latest hardware and software solutions to fast track your memory technology. Our engineering test platforms and our data analysis software tools – developed especially for the NVM world and embedding the knowledge and experience of a long learning path – helped our customers to successfully bring up and consolidate emerging technologies very fast. We support our partners in the technology and product development as well as in the high volume production ramp up and monitoring. We have been busy over the last decade and we have expanded to become a worldwide vendor for companies – such as IDMs, foundries, technology providers, research institutes in Europe, in America and in Asia – which successfully applied the RIFLE tester and/or the BarnieMAT array analysis software.

Visit us at Booth 809 to try the tools we can provide to give you additional insight into your memory technology !
We would be pleased to show you our offerings:

  • RIFLE engineering test system with a test-array application
  • BarnieMAT with examples coming from real-life
  • NanoCycler, the latest test system targeting NAND reliability and performance analysis

May 2, 2018

The European General Data Protection Regulations (“GDPR”) will come into force on May 25th, 2018. This new regulation governs the privacy protection of individuals and replaces the 1995 Data Protection Directive. Dear valued Partners, this month we’re updating our Privacy Policy to make it easier for you to understand what information we collect and why we collect it. We’ve also taken steps to improve our Privacy Check-up and other controls we provide to safeguard your data and protect your privacy. Nothing is changing about your current settings or how your information is processed. Rather, we’re improving the way we describe our practices and how we explain the options you have to update, manage, export, and delete your data.

April 4, 2018

The recently released 5.2 version of BarnieMAT provides significant improvements as:

  • Floating license management
  • Renewed installation infrastructure
  • Python programmability

NplusT continues to invest in the toolset providing periodic enhancements for an always larger customer base.

March 10, 2018

Interventi di cui al POR FESR 2014-2020 Asse I – Azione 1.1.1. “Sostegno ai progetti di ricerca industriale e sviluppo sperimentale” – Titolo Progetto «NPTE (New Parallel Test Equipment: nuova piattaforma di testing applicata dalle industrie di semiconduttori nella fase di sviluppo di nuove tecnologie e di nuovi dispositivi a semiconduttore»

Il progetto di ricerca e sviluppo sperimentale consiste nella realizzazione di un prototipo funzionante di piattaforma di testing concepita per l’industria semiconduttori. NPTE trova applicazione nella fase di sviluppo di nuove tecnologie e nuovi dispositivi a semiconduttore, in particolare per le memorie integrate in ‘System-on-Chip’.

December 12, 2017

The year 2017 MOCCA (MOst Creative Customer Award) went to the MICROSEMI team for their cooperation in the development of the GARDA test solution.

GARDA has been created for understanding functionalities, performances and reliability of next generation memory devices targeting mass storage applications. For achieving the required 1.6GT/s transfer rate between the memory tester and the device under test, a dedicated hardware solution has been developed. The software architecture and environment have been transferred from the RIFLE platform, extending it with dedicated FPGA front end code.

“I prefer to work with teams like Microsemi” – Tamas Kerekes, President and CEO of NplusT says. “This team is very demanding, they know what they want to obtain and they are willing to cooperate in the identification and implementation of the optimal technical solutions. The 14-week delivery time would have been impossible without such a cooperation”.

“The Storage industry is continuously looking for new non-volatile memory technologies and being able to technically vet each of the new options is key for deciding where to invest the R&D dollars. NplusT offers a unique combination of hardware and software capabilities for memory testing. The collaboration between the 2 teams has been amazing and it is worth highlighting that the platform Garda was delivered on time meeting all the required technical specifications”, said Rino Micheloni, Technical Fellow in the Performance Storage business unit and Managing Director of Microsemi Storage Solutions Italy. “We are looking forward to expanding this collaboration in the near future even further”.

MOCCA 2017 NplusT Microsemi

September 29, 2017

The NplusT engineering team, in cooperation with FPGArt, implemented and tested with success a new technology, pushing up the communication speed between the tester and the device under test. The experimental solution, applied for a next generation NVM device, reaches 1.6GT/sec data transfer rate. Mastering this new technology, the application range of the RIFLE test system extends and covers the latest mass storage components, stil maintaining the cost advantage and faster time-to-result related to competitive solutions.

June 5, 2017

NplusT released a new non-volatile memory cycler equipment, powered by the well-established RIFLE-M core. An add-on module extends the tester resources for the parallel management of multiple devices. Specific micro-chambers are installed to individual thermal control of the devices under test. With this new product, cycling operations can be performed maintaining features and performance of RIFLE-M, without the compromises due to large size cycling boards. Benchmarking data evidences that the cycling times are drastically reduced related to the commonly used architectures (device and equipment dependent).

NplusT MiniCycler

March 16, 2017

NplusT Team has been recently interviewed by the regional TV troupe!
Enjoy the broadcasted clip.

December 14, 2016

The yearly MOCCA (MOst Creative Customer Award), recognising the user with the highest contribution in the application of NplusT tools, was assigned to the STMicroelectronics Team lead by Luisa Fracassini and composed of Domenico Ausilio, Andrea Boroni, Emanuele Capitanio and Sergio Pozzi from QMS, CSR & Central Labs department.

As a result of development and evolution of the software tool SIREN, built on NplusT LabVisor technology, hundreds of equipment and instrumentation installed in several Qualification and Validation laboratories are being taken under control. SIREN today serves a large community of users in their daily tasks such as monitoring, booking, maintenance and utilization statistics.

MoCCA 2016 - ST Microelectronics

Since we started the project, I was always impressed by the strong focus of the team to create a tool which is really useable and used. Continuous new ideas of improvement and extension – together with active cooperation in the development – helped to obtain the status that today SIREN is one of the software tools created by NplusT which is the most extensively used.
Tamas Kerekes, President and CEO of NplusT

SIREN has been conceived since the beginning as a growing tool with the ambitious purpose to arrive finally to manage with a single system multiple and heterogeneous Electrical Qualification and Validation laboratories. This long term vision target could be achievable only with a deep, side by side interaction and cooperation between various ST entities and NplusT, working on the development of one step in an optic of compatibility with the future ones.
Luisa Fracassini, QMS, CSR & Central Labs Manager, STMicroelectronics

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